I personally think all moms should have an honorary Masters Plumbing License.
Toilets are my specialty……I wield a pretty mean plunger. I’ve had it for years, it’s like a glove, I don’t bother to put it away anymore it sits right next to the toilet ready for service at least once a day.
I have snaked, plunged, augured and jetted. Pulled out Lego’s, Matchbox cars, toy carpentry equipment and Barbies from every toilet drain in my home.
Kids are crafty……they wait. They wait until you’ve sat down long enough to get through the second page of People Magazine from January of 2010.
Then you hear it…..silence (a forgien sound to mothers). Then the patter of little feet……splashing water. And then…………..”MOM! Cori put something down the toilet again!!!”
I can take a set of stairs 3 at a time, I kid you not!