Trenchless pipe installation or trenchless technologies is relatively new to New England. Northeast Sewer & Drain has had it for 4-5 years and have had great success with it.
We did a job recently in Portland Maine that epitomizes why we use it, old growth flower gardens.
This customers street was due to be paved and after a sewer video inspection we noticed that their sewer line was broken and it had to be replaced. The problem was that the sewer line ran under the porch and through their front garden, one he and his wife had been working on for 15 years, they did not want to dig it up.
They were excellent candidates for trenchless technology.
This is how it’s done….
This is the pipe puller….
Next, a small pit is cut into the basement floor
and another pit is dug in the street to connect to the main sewer, a section of pipe is removed…..
A new piece of HDPE sewer pipe is pulled through the old cast iron by the pipe puller
This is the pipe being pulled about 50ft to the main pit in the street. Under the porch and flower gardens
Pipe is all installed and hooked up to the main sewer, waiting for inspection…
Clean out is installed and basement floor is re-cemented
Past inspection, all back filled waiting for pavement…
Job is complete. Flower gardens and porch intact.
Their street is being paved on May 29th with new curbing and side walks installed too. It will look amazing!!
~Northeast sewer & Drain Service